Sunday, January 27, 2013

Best compliment ever received...

Recently in a conversation with a friend the topic of compliments came up, and we began thinking about some silly and awkward ones we have received. Then I wondered what was the best compliment I have received, it was honestly easy to think of because this memory will always stick with me.

I attended Leadershape the summer of my senior year representing am organization at FSU. While I had been on numerous conferences, summits, and training a before I was not sure how this would be different. I would go share my thoughts and walk away a little enlightened in the world around me. During this conference we are broken into about groups of 10 and we all became so close during this time, not because we had to be stuck together for a week but because we had real conversations. Some that I couldn't dare have with my friends since I knew how they already felt and being open minded was not really an option. Religion, race, society we tackled it all and it was so humbling.

At the end of the ten days we were packing up and saying our goodbyes to our small cluster family. One of my companions came up to me with the biggest hug. She began to tell me of how I originally intimidated her because I was a Greek and a leader of a huge organization on campus. Overtime she heard my thoughts, actions, and worries and knew we were just the same. She expressed that I broke the pompous Greek stereotype for her and I just couldn't help but cry ( and try to smile, it was not a pretty sight).

The two seconds she was brave enough to speak so honestly and candid to me has meant more to me in my undergraduate career more than anything. More than the leader positions, awards, and honors I have had. But for one person I helped turn around a stereotype that has plagued the Greek community.

I was able to make a difference to one person and that is alright with me.
Thanks G!

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