Saturday, March 23, 2013

Currently Obsessed: Sheryl Sandberg

Even though I am still in school, I am making it a habit to read more in my everyday routine. When I received an iPad for Christmas the first thing I downloaded was a year subscription to TIME magazine to fulfill this goal. In a issue two weeks ago, the woman Sheryl Sandberg graced the cover with the title "don't hate her because she is successful". I was immediately intrigued by the COO of Facebook.

Thank you TIME on iPad for allowing me to go back into my library and reread older issues because I have reread her articles three times. In the article she talks about her experiences in the business world and when a women succeeds she is a b#*!^.

This message resonated with me because I felt in similar situations. During a time of growth and change for me I took on large roles that challenged me as a student, friend, and leader. It was then I started to realize people perceived me differently because of the positional role I had gained. There was nothing negative directed toward me, but conversations and relationships shifted slightly changed. At this point I was really upset because I didn't want this change, but now looking back on that time it was because individuals were jealous or did not truly understand me. Like Sheryl, success can create haters but I am proud with what I have accomplish and being a woman doing so.

Rock on Sheryl and all successful women everywhere. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

finding interests

In undergrad I had to take x amount of classes and had little time to take in other courses or areas that interested me. When the only cultural classes most students are forced to take is two, students are not having the change to submerse themselves in a topic they find fascinating or a class on folklore just because they like fantasy. Now, I guess I could have stayed in my undergrad for an additional couple of years but my parents would not be too happy that I spent all of my Brightfutures scholarships and instate tuition on random classes to find the areas I find interest in.

Even though I am still in school (and balancing a job with it), I am finding it so easy to take time to find those interests in my life again. In the past year I have picked up:

Cooking (not baking), especially seafood! I have mastered salmon, shrimp, and muscles.
Reading biographies, currently indulging in Steve Jobs
70's Rock
Arrange flowers
Bringing antiques back to life

Personally, I believe finding your interests is all about trial and error. You watch a documentary and wiki on Kony and Sudan, research a couple of nonprofit organizations helping in that aid... and you will either fall in love with the cause or not. The hardest part of pinning down your interests is taking the time to do so.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Sadly, as I am getting older I am realizing who much I consume and toss away products. I have grown up in a recycling household and my parents taught me at a young age what goes in which bin and how to read the symbols on the bottom of products. Living in a sorority house I lost my recycling habits and honestly, got lazy about keeping up with it. Now in my own apartment, I feel I have become more aware of my recycling behaviors and made am oath to become more Eco friendly.

Besides for becoming better about recycling, I have also discovered upcycling. Taking the manufactured product and turning it to something else. First quick project I did was with a wide mouth glass pickle jar turned into flower vase. It was turned over, dried, and painted black on the outside. The finish product is below.

Upcycling has been a good addition to my apartment because it not only helps me become more green but become creative when looking at reusable products.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3 Years Later

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of Joey and I being together. From the beginning of my undergraduate and his graduate career to graduations, moving in together, and adopting a pet we have accomplished many milestones together. Over this time he has become my best friend, my empower, and rock.

While everyone asks will we get married soon? And makes comments like you have been together for so long, you must get bored. I don't care to get married soon and I couldn't imagine getting bored with him. Right now we are 22 and 27, still in graduate school and working on our careers. This brings stress in our lives but we both thrive on working hard. Our actions now will ensure a healthier and thriving future for us. More traveling, splurging on books, and investing in our passions.

Having Joey in my life has empowered me in several of my self-inflicted doubts. He's become my world and cannot wait to see all that life brings us.

Happy 3 years Joey and many more!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Currently Obsessed: Daniel Day-Lewis

So this is a week late from the Oscars, but I have just been so awe of Daniel Day-Lewis for the past 2 weeks. I have been watching his movies nonstop. The man just won 3 Academy Awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role (even though I think he has been robbed of winning for Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York). 

When people ask me my favorite actor, the answer is simply DDL. The man is amazing! His roles range from a young man with cerebral palsy that could only write with his left foot, to a self-righteous oil man, and to one of the most influential historical figures of our country's history... there is nothing he can't do. 

I get frustrated when people say he is weird for being an intense method actor (he is known for studying his roles intensely). For example, to prepare for his role in Last of the Mohicans he lived in a tent, made his own canoe, and learned to skin animals. He dives deep to understand his characters: their thoughts, feelings, back story. After seeing several of his performances, it's hard for me to say I really like many other actors... their characters don't seem to resonate and come to life the same breath DDL's do. 



His characters are art.

These are my favorite DDL movies in order of preference...
1. There Will Be Blood
2. Lincoln
3. Gangs of New York
4. My Left Foot
5. In the Name of the Father
6. The Last of the Mohicans
7. The Boxer
8. The Crucible

His earlier movies I have not sat down to watch yet. Reviews on Nine and The Ballad of Jack and Rose are keeping me from watching the films but I recently found them on Netflix, so I will do that tomorrow after finishing my midterms.